Tuesday, January 24, 2012

Final Communique arrived!

Now, we are really excited! Something about that fat envelope with luggage tags and travel documents is so exhilarating. We finally learned our cabin number, 327. It is right where we requested, low and center. We would be happy about this except for a recent sister ship Cruise Critic review reporting that it is a cabin that floods in rough seas due to a design flaw! Well, knowledge is power, we'll try to remember to keep everything well off the floor in case.

We got a passenger list! In the it's a small world category, we'll be sailing with Grinling's old veterinarian from El Paso, TX! Now, if you're reading along, you saw that I said we were on a Tulane Alumni charter. News today is, not quite! It is a charter, but there are 32 different colleges or universities listed along with 4 independent travelers with no school affiliation. There are 201 passengers listed and we are the only Tulane Alumni listed. There are people from 3 countries, USA, Canada and Turkey and from 28 states and 2 provinces. There are 4 other people from Raleigh and 15 from all of North Carolina. California and Texas are tied for most passenger counts.

I have scanned and will post below the pages of our Expedition to Antarctica Itinerary. Keep in mind that it is subject to change by the weather, seas, captain, etc....... Note that Page 5 is partial. That is because we go home, but the charter group may be continuing with a post cruise to Iguassu Falls. Once was enough for us! And our Yellow Fever vaccinations have expired!
