Thursday, March 8, 2012

Sunday, February 19, 2012

Sunrise 9:21   Sunset 00:24         Morning 3°\37.4F         Afternoon 2°\35.6F       Clear

The stats at the beginning of each entry are from our daily newsletter and may or may not be accurate!

At 9:30am, there was an hour and a half long Mandatory Briefing for everyone who intended to go ashore in Antarctica. Yeah, that was all of us. We had to sign in. There was only about 5 minutes of real information imparted and they had mailed it to us in a brochure 30 days prior to departure. Basically, don't take anything, don't leave anything, be respectful of the environment and the landscape. Later there was a mandatory vacuuming session for each zodiac boarding group. We are black and will do the first landing. I just wasn’t up for it and Clay took all of our old gear to vacuum off errant spores and seeds so we won’t contaminate Antarctica and he signed for us both. You did not have to vacuum anything that you had gotten new for the trip, only already used stuff. So, it wasn’t a big pile because we had bought a lot of new gear for the trip.

Crossing the Drake Passage! It was ugly. I kept myself mostly knocked out with Dramamine every 4 hours. Clay went to breakfast, lunch and dinner alone.

The clear seas the Captain was expecting did not appear, instead we encountered what the Captain called unusual, large swells out of the south as part of another front. It was ugly. I kept myself mostly knocked out with Dramamine every 4 hours.

Clay only took 2 photos and a video of the Drake Passage waterway itself today. I know the ship had all the big, metal outer doors latched with signs up stating the outer decks were closed during most of the crossing, but since we all had balconies...